Ben Grist

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The Reverend Ben Grist is a dedicated pastor in the Church of England, known for his passion for ministry and outreach. Based in Goole, Ben is committed to serving his community and sharing the message of Christ. He completed his ecclesiastical training at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and holds a degree in Theology. Ben’s ministry extends beyond the parish through his YouTube channel, where he offers insights on the Bible, Christian living, and ancient languages. With a focus on reaching out to the least, the lost, and the lonely, Ben’s work embodies his dedication to his faith and community.

Early Life and Calling

Ben grew up in the south of England, immersed in Bible stories and witnessing the power of faith. His journey of faith became personal during his teenage years, leading to his baptism and a lifelong commitment to follow Jesus. Ben’s academic and spiritual journey continued at university, where he deepened his love for God’s Word.

Ministry and Online Presence

As a pastor, Ben engages with his congregation through thoughtful sermons and community initiatives. His online presence, particularly through his YouTube channel, allows him to reach a broader audience. Ben’s videos cover topics like Biblical studies, Christian apologetics, and practical Christian living, aiming to educate and inspire viewers.

Personal Life

Ben is married to Hannah, and together they are dedicated to their ministry work in Goole. They are excited about the opportunities to serve and grow in their faith community.

A Message from Ben

Welcome to my journey of discovery as I daily seek God’s guidance in my life andshare my experiences along the way.

I started this blog originally as a way of sharing and updating people about what was going on in my life as I moved around at university and around the world. Since then, it has become a base for me to share my thoughts and upload talks and videos that I’ve made alongside keeping people up to date with where I am in the world and the missions I’m involved in

Jesus has always been here calling out to each of us waiting for us to accept his friendship and follow him. For me, I grew up learning Bible stories and seeing miracles all around me, but it was only when I became a teenager that I knew that these stories weren’t myths or legend but real events that shaped the course of history. I declared this publically in my baptism when I had actively chosen to follow him for the rest of my life and beyond. Things weren’t always easy though, many times, when things in life seemed hardest to bare, it was so tempting to give up or fall down again, but that’s when I found myself relying on him even more. At university, I fell in love with God’s word, this living and active message of reconciliation and a hope for the future, sharper than any double-edged sword that can penetrate soul and spirit, joints and marrow and more controversial than anything ever uttered throughout all history. Though I’m still only young and learning what he has in store for me, I will always be trying to follow him and going out to make disciples of all nations and teaching everything he has commanded us. Because Jesus, truly is with us, always, to the very end of the age and forevermore. Are you willing to accept his friendship and get to know him for yourself?