I’m getting Confirmed!

After 22 and a half years of life, almost all of them knowing Jesus personally, having grown up in a Christian family, never gone through long periods of doubt or ever turned away from God, and having been baptised as an adult, why am I getting confirmed? Great question!

What is Confirmation?

Officially, Confirmation is a symbol of reaffirming your baptismal vows, in one sense, reconfirming your faith by again publicly declaring what you believe as well as being prayed for and blessed by the Bishop. Although Baptism is the means of initiation into the faith, many of us find confirmation as an important part of initiation and completion of this rite, as well as specifically being received into the Church of England.

Is it for me?

Well, if you agree with the statements that are declared in Confirmation, about believing in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and following him, AND you’ve previously been baptised, then maybe this is for you! It’s a great opportunity for many of us to again declare our faith and be an example to those who may not be so familiar with it.

Why am I getting confirmed?

Yes, back to our original question. There are many reasons why people can get confirmed, but for me, I’m getting confirmed because, although I’ve never been particularly distant in my faith, actually, right now, this is the closest I’ve ever felt to Jesus. I’m getting confirmed not only because I believe the gospel – this good news to be true, but I want to again publicly declare this, and be an example to others wherever else they may be in their journey with God.

I firmly and honestly believe that Jesus Christ, is the son of God, who came to earth as a baby, lived a sinless life amongst us and died a most excruciating death, to pay as an atonement for the forgiveness of our sins, before coming back to life, showing us that he has power over everything including death!

It’s easy to forget that nowadays, or shrug it off as insignificant in our busy lives, but man, he is totally worth investigating. I have never been as sure about anything before in my life, never been so passionate or overwhelmed by anything quite like it. Jesus really is the Way, the Truth and the Life!

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