It’s 2020!

Wow what a year it’s turning out to be!

Looking back on my Facebook Profile picture, I realised that I hadn’t updated it since I was back from my travels with YWAM back in 2018!

In one sense I’m not too disheartened about it, I mean, there’s been enough to keep me busy over that time, but I think with quite a few areas of my life, I’m noticing how the changes that I made whilst I was with YWAM have kind of mainly just stuck, some areas of my life haven’t changed a bit since then, and yet, all the growth I was experiencing whilst I was out there has slowly plateaued over time.

It’s not surprising really, but I guess it’s easy for all of us, as we get into the routine of work and try and find that seemingly impossible balance between that and work, that we stop growing in all the areas we once did, hobbies get tossed to the side and it’s easy for us to just spend our days switching between staring at a screen at work, and then being at home, staring at a screen for relaxation.

For 2020, I want to not forget about all those dreams we once had growing up, the aspirations that can slowly fade over time, and press on to the goal God has marked out for us in these different areas.

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