Made New

Today with David Halligan, we released my first Spoken Word video on the subject of New Life called ‘Made New’. Watch the video here.

Just over a month ago, I was approached about filming a short project to be released around New Years on whatever God was calling me to talk about. After much prayer and conversation, we decided to create a short spoken word film sharing the gospel with those who maybe had some connection with Church but had lost their faith, and more generally as a wake up call to all of us about what Jesus has done on the cross.

As time progressed, the theme of New Life sprung about from passages like John 3 and Titus 3 and I felt God asking me to tie it in with the importance of ‘new’ especially at New Years.

I was inspired by this portrayal of a ‘kainos creation’ that we become in the new testament and the freedom that brings about from knowing and having a deep personal relationship with Jesus.

In preparation for my sermon at the Lantern Church on Sunday 31st December 2017, I felt it was relevant to use this illustration and look deeper into the new life that comes from Jesus.

My hope with this video that people might feel compelled to share it with others and let the video speak to them through it and that it would glorify Jesus’ name in this process.

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