
  • The Road Ahead

    The Road Ahead

    So, I’ve finally reached 21, and what a time it’s been! Doesn’t really seem like much of a special age, but it’s such an important milestone, a rite of passage even for most. This is the time in a lot of our lives when we start to question what lies on the road ahead…

  • Plans for the Future – YWAM LA

    Plans for the Future – YWAM LA

    Ending University So, I am finally reaching the end of my time studying for a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics at the University of Southampton, it’s been an incredible 3 years, both with its joys and hardships along the way. I shall be expecting to graduate during the middle of July, but I wouldn’t say…

  • John 3:1-21

    John 3:1-21

    By far, one of my most favourite moments in the day is the sight of the sunrise in the morning. The image I see here is where, the very object that gives life to this planet appears to rise up above the horizon every morning and bring light to a dark world. In nature,…

  • John 1:19-51

    John 1:19-51

    All of us at some point in our life will question why we’re here, why was I born? What is my meaning, my purpose? My calling? This passage John 1:19-51 shows us what the calling of John the Baptist was, the calling of Jesus Christ, and the calling of some of the first disciples…