
  • I’m getting Confirmed!

    I’m getting Confirmed!

    After 22 and a half years of life, almost all of them knowing Jesus personally, having grown up in a Christian family, never gone through long periods of doubt or ever turned away from God, and having been baptised as an adult, why am I getting confirmed? Great question!

  • Settling into London

    Sorry for not recently having updated this blog with what’s been going on. Now that I’ve started to settle in here in London, I can continue sharing with what God has been doing in my life, and what he’s been teaching me. As this year is becoming very much a time of discernment for…

  • Romans 6:11-14 – New Years Eve Service at The Lantern Church

    On 31st December for New Years eve I was preaching my last time at The Lantern Church before flying off to Los Angeles, listen below: Sermon notes What a week it’s been! I imagine most of you have been out and about seeing family, or back to work. I for one have been busy,…

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