
  • YWAM: Week 1

    YWAM: Week 1

    Find out what happened to me on my first week in Los Angeles starting my Compassion Discipleship Training School

  • Next stop: Los Angeles

    I’m finally off! Today on the 5th January 2018 I’ll be flying to Los Angeles to start off my training with Youth With a Mission (YWAM).

  • Romans 6:11-14 – New Years Eve Service at The Lantern Church

    On 31st December for New Years eve I was preaching my last time at The Lantern Church before flying off to Los Angeles, listen below: Sermon notes What a week it’s been! I imagine most of you have been out and about seeing family, or back to work. I for one have been busy,…

  • Made New

    Today with David Halligan, we released my first Spoken Word video on the subject of New Life called ‘Made New’. Watch the video here.

  • Camino de Santiago

    After a week of Evangelism and mission, I am ready to lay aside these next two weeks for the first of my travels midst the ‘Journey of Life’.

  • Malta

    In the start of October I joined Michael Ots and his team on a mission trip to Malta to lead the University Christian Union events week.

  • 1 John 3:16-18 – Harvest Service

    Last week at The Lantern Church I was preaching on 1 John 3:16-18 for both the Harvest Services to an All-age congregation suitable for both children and adults. Harvest What a great opportunity we have at Harvest time to remember all that the Lord has done and be grateful for it. What kind of…

  • Matthew 20:1-16 – Service

    A few weeks ago at The Lantern Church I was preaching on Matthew 20:1-16 on the topic of Service as part of an opportunity for me to try out preaching to a congregation (of around 100 people). Though I had little time to prepare due to exams, I would appreciate your feedback. A rough transcript…

  • How to get through exams – Don’t Give Up

    Whether you’re just starting, or you’re nearly free from the stress of exams, we will almost all inevitably get caught up in the revision rut, the exam block where it feels like there’s no point in carrying on or we just can’t make it through to the end. Don’t give up! Paul prays for…

  • How to get through exams – Find Rest

    “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with…

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