
  • How to get through exams – Don’t Panic!

    How to get through exams – Don’t Panic!

    Jesus knew that we’d all struggle with stress and anxiety along the way, and this is what he had this to say about it. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve…

  • Romans 6:23 – The Gift of Eternal Life

    Romans 6:23 – The Gift of Eternal Life

    The whole of the Christian message can sometimes be summed up by just this one sentence. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. For the wages of sin is death, no matter how we look at it, justice should always be…

  • The Road Ahead

    The Road Ahead

    So, I’ve finally reached 21, and what a time it’s been! Doesn’t really seem like much of a special age, but it’s such an important milestone, a rite of passage even for most. This is the time in a lot of our lives when we start to question what lies on the road ahead…

  • John 4:1-26 – A Christmas Message

    John 4:1-26 – A Christmas Message

    What are you doing this Christmas? Seeing family? Sharing with loved ones? Listening to carols day after day down your street? I absolutely love these Christmas holidays, I look forward to seeing people and enjoying my time off, Christmas is such a lovely time of year where we’re reminded of everything we have and…

  • John 3:1-21

    John 3:1-21

    By far, one of my most favourite moments in the day is the sight of the sunrise in the morning. The image I see here is where, the very object that gives life to this planet appears to rise up above the horizon every morning and bring light to a dark world. In nature,…