
  • 2019 Summer Update

    2019 Summer Update

    It’s so great to be able to share with you all again after way too long. I thought I would keep this fairly brief, but the main thing I’d like to say is just a massive THANK YOU to all of you who have been praying for me and supporting me in many ways…

  • I’m getting Confirmed!

    I’m getting Confirmed!

    After 22 and a half years of life, almost all of them knowing Jesus personally, having grown up in a Christian family, never gone through long periods of doubt or ever turned away from God, and having been baptised as an adult, why am I getting confirmed? Great question!

  • Settling into London

    Settling into London

    Sorry for not recently having updated this blog with what’s been going on. Now that I’ve started to settle in here in London, I can continue sharing with what God has been doing in my life, and what he’s been teaching me. As this year is becoming very much a time of discernment for…

  • What’s next?

    What’s next?

    Finally, after 2 weeks of New Wine and helping lead Holiday Club this past week, I can share what my plans are for this next year!

  • YWAM: Looking Back

    YWAM: Looking Back

    And just like that, 6 months is finally over. After 3 months in Los Angeles, 4 weeks in Kenya and 6 weeks in the Philippines, here’s a few of my reflections and thoughts looking back.

  • YWAM: Debrief and Graduation

    YWAM: Debrief and Graduation

    What’s left to say now than, “WE’VE GRADUATED”! After a final week of debrief and some classes on how best to prepare for re-entry, this Saturday we were officially handed our certificates to say that we’ve finished our Discipleship Training School. After our final week of ministry in Cagayan de Oro, we spent a…

  • YWAM: Philippines Part 3

    YWAM: Philippines Part 3

    Onto our final two weeks of ministry for our Outreach mission trip before debrief next week and then back to Los Angeles!

  • YWAM: Philippines Part 2

    YWAM: Philippines Part 2

    We’ve finally touched down in our final destination of Cagayan de Oro on the main southern island of Minandao in the Philippines!

  • YWAM: Kenya Part 3

    YWAM: Kenya Part 3

    So at long last, we’ve come to the 4th and final week of our time in mission in Kenya before we spend 6 weeks in the Philippines.

  • YWAM: Kenya Part 2

    YWAM: Kenya Part 2

    So we finally have internet access after another 2 weeks of incredible mission. From preaching in open air crusade conferences, to painting walls in the Children’s ward in one of Kisumu’s hospital, it has been amazing.