
  • Graduation


    Looking back on my graduation, I had this to say. For those of us who decided to go to university, I ask this, why did you go? To get a degree? To experience the university culture? To make memories you’ll never forget? Looking around, I see so many friends and memories that have been…

  • First-Class Mathematics Degree

    As from today, I can finally say that I have graduated from the University of Southampton with a First-class honours degree in Mathematics BSc. It’s been a rather wild ride and there were many times when it seemed like it would be impossible to keep up my studies in amongst my other commitments. From…

  • Matthew 20:1-16 – Service

    A few weeks ago at The Lantern Church I was preaching on Matthew 20:1-16 on the topic of Service as part of an opportunity for me to try out preaching to a congregation (of around 100 people). Though I had little time to prepare due to exams, I would appreciate your feedback. A rough transcript…

  • How to get through exams – Don’t Panic!

    Jesus knew that we’d all struggle with stress and anxiety along the way, and this is what he had this to say about it. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve…

  • The Road Ahead

    So, I’ve finally reached 21, and what a time it’s been! Doesn’t really seem like much of a special age, but it’s such an important milestone, a rite of passage even for most. This is the time in a lot of our lives when we start to question what lies on the road ahead…

  • Plans for the Future – YWAM LA

    Ending University So, I am finally reaching the end of my time studying for a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics at the University of Southampton, it’s been an incredible 3 years, both with its joys and hardships along the way. I shall be expecting to graduate during the middle of July, but I wouldn’t say…

  • Intermediate Point

    Halfway through Uni, and what do I have to say for myself? That’s right, I’ve just passed the halfway mark on my adventure through the unknowns of university life. Results have come in and… I’m rather happy with what I’ve achieved so far academically, but then again, anyone who’s been to university will be…

  • Off to University

    So next Sunday I’ll be leaving off to University! A new path and a fresh start but with the same kind of Ben and his humour as before. I don’t doubt that Uni won’t come without its problems, perks and quirks along the way, but that said, I’m sure it’ll be a great opportunity…

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