• What’s next?

    What’s next?

    Finally, after 2 weeks of New Wine and helping lead Holiday Club this past week, I can share what my plans are for this next year!

  • YWAM: Looking Back

    And just like that, 6 months is finally over. After 3 months in Los Angeles, 4 weeks in Kenya and 6 weeks in the Philippines, here’s a few of my reflections and thoughts looking back.

  • YWAM: Debrief and Graduation

    What’s left to say now than, “WE’VE GRADUATED”! After a final week of debrief and some classes on how best to prepare for re-entry, this Saturday we were officially handed our certificates to say that we’ve finished our Discipleship Training School. After our final week of ministry in Cagayan de Oro, we spent a…

  • YWAM: Philippines Part 3

    Onto our final two weeks of ministry for our Outreach mission trip before debrief next week and then back to Los Angeles!

  • YWAM: Philippines Part 2

    We’ve finally touched down in our final destination of Cagayan de Oro on the main southern island of Minandao in the Philippines!

  • YWAM: Philippines Part 1

    After some crazy flights and suffering through the humidity we’ve finally made it to our mission in the Philippines. We are living in the middle of the Red Light District in Olongapo and have been ministering to so many different people.

  • YWAM: Kenya Part 3

    So at long last, we’ve come to the 4th and final week of our time in mission in Kenya before we spend 6 weeks in the Philippines.

  • YWAM: Kenya Part 2

    So we finally have internet access after another 2 weeks of incredible mission. From preaching in open air crusade conferences, to painting walls in the Children’s ward in one of Kisumu’s hospital, it has been amazing.

  • YWAM: Kenya Part 1

    What a great way to celebrate my 22nd birthday, having arrived safely in Kenya and having lost half the team and my luggage in Germany! I’ve been named ‘Pastor Ben’ by the locals and am loving sharing the gospel with those we meet. So we’re finally here, after 30 hours of travelling we were…

  • YWAM: Newsletter Part 2

    Today marks 12 weeks having been studying at the Discipleship Training School in YWAM Los Angeles! With only one more week left until I go off on outreach mission to Kenya, I thought I’d share with you all a bit more about how things have been going so far, a little what I’ve learnt…

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