2019 Summer Update

Check out my latest video with a bit of an update for what’s going on in my life at the moment, and some of my thoughts on trusting God!

It’s so great to be able to share with you all again after way too long.
I thought I would keep this fairly brief, but the main thing I’d like to say is just a massive THANK YOU to all of you who have been praying for me and supporting me in many ways over the last year.

This past year has been rather crazy with my job over in Christ Church Barnet alongside going through the Discernment Process, but I have recently pushed forward with one of my hobbies that I very much enjoy doing which has been to make videos. This has come in handy when making videos at work, but I now have a dedicated YouTube Channel where I’ve been starting to share my thoughts, goings on, and general updates from my life.

At the top of this page you can see my most recent update which goes into a bit more depth with some of the details of what I’ve been up to this last year and my plans for the future. But incase you missed out, I also created a video sharing some of my experiences going through the Discernment Process which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAwx7ZckCII

This summer has been a great chance for me to take a step back and appreciate all that God has been doing with me over this year, and to then look forward to the future!

Although not all the details have been sorted out yet, I have been able to confirm some accommodation in Barnet for this coming year, and also I will be continuing to work for Christ Church Barnet for 2 days a week as an Intern focussing on Youth and Admin Work.
Also, recently I have been able to discuss another part time job working for a company in Potters Bar for another 2 days a week, still freeing me up to be able to study and work on projects in spare time.

Alongside this, as part of the suggestion from the Advisors Report, I shall be spending the next 9 months observing and learning of different leadership styles and experiencing some other expressions of Church to continue to widen my understanding before I go off to do my official study at theological college.
Where will I go? – Still to be decided, but I have plenty of time!

Recently, I’ve enjoyed just being able to rest in God’s presence and thank him for his blessing and guidance on my life so far, but each day, I continue to pray that he might be challenging each of us to step out even more in our faith and expectation for what he can do!

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