Next stop: Los Angeles

I’m finally off!

Today on the 5th January 2018 I’ll be flying to Los Angeles to start off my training with Youth With a Mission (YWAM).

Looking back on the past

What a year it’s been, in January on this day I felt God first prompting me to work with YWAM for 6 months. Since then, he has been shaping my life and directing me on an incredible journey.

At Easter I had the opportunity, being the secretary, to take the Triathlon club to Lanzarote on a training week where I got to deepen some important friendships and have some incredible conversations about our views on faith and religion.

In June I finally graduated from the University of Southampton after three years studying, and came out with a First class honours degree in Mathematics.

In August, I was able to join in with the kids work at New Wine as the Team Pastor for Rock Solid, and then helped out taking the youth from our church to Soul Survivor.

From August to January I was given an Internship at my church, The Lantern Church where I had great opportunities to preach, run kids and youth groups, and see first hand what it’s like to work in a church behind the scenes.

In September, I joined my university church, Above Bar Church, on a vision trip working on the Logos Hope ship in the Caribbean as Hurricane Irma hit.

In October, God blessed me with the opportunity to join Michael Ots and his team MOET on a university mission week evangelising to university students in Malta.

Straight from Malta, I was able to have some time away with my Dad walking along the Camino de Santiago across France and Spain walking alongside people and helping them along their journeys.

To earn some money for YWAM, I was given jobs Serving people at a Fish and Chip van, Dispatching products at a coin warehouses, Teaching Maths at a school, and Preaching at other churches.

This didn’t come without its busyness at times, especially around Christmas time where we had lots of great events planned as the Church.

All the while, God has been helping and guiding me as I seek to live out his plan for my life daily. Even yesterday, I was given two unique opportunities and options for jobs and training I could be involved in when I came back, but God will make that clear to me when he’s ready!


By the time you’ll be reading this, I will have started my flight over to California.

As I’m sure you may have picked up, I’m really excited about arriving and being part of this mission!

I’ve already had a bit of an opportunity to hear from some of the other prospective students on our Facebook community and we’re all looking forward to finally starting off.
Though the YWAM DTS’s are well known for their outreach focussed attitude towards training and mission, I’ll also be developing and growing as I am discipled along the way.

The first three months will take place at our HQ in Los Angeles where we will be growing in our relationships with God, getting to know each other, and practically training for our evangelism both in LA and during our ‘outreach phase’.

After these three months, we will spend two/three months on our outreach phase travelling to several other countries on mission, to respond to a hurting world by ministering out of the compassionate heart of the Father.

If you’d like to find out more about what I’ll be doing there, why don’t you check out my other posts about YWAM here or go here to see their website.

But the short answer can be found in our strapline of the Compassion Discipleship Training School –

“To respond to a hurting world by ministering out of the compassionate heart of the Father”

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