YWAM: Week 1

I can’t believe we’re only one week into the school so far, it feels like we’ve already been here a good few months and have already grown a lot as a community and in our passion for compassion.

I’ll keep this week brief, but it’s been a great time starting off with Orientation and Registration, giving up these next 6 months to God and sharing our testimonies in the class.

On the first couple of days we had the first rain this winter, but since then it’s been glorious and sunny.

The food has been great and have loved tasting new foods from different cultures.

In the mornings, I started up a running group with 3 other guys going up the canyons before breakfast and all the guys have found security in my leadership of the team.

I’ve been living with guys from Holland, Germany, Brazil, Australia and several Americans.

Our time spent together in worship has been incredible and I have been enjoying getting to live in genuine Christian community.

As part of our worship and our servant-heartedness for the base, we have each been given work duties, I’m on Gardening, typical.

It’s been fun and inspiring getting to know the other 8 guys in my trailer and God has not stopped meeting with each of us day in day out.

Our classes this week have mainly centred around our orientations, but yesterday we spent some time giving up our hindrances for this season to Jesus. As we did, I had prayer that I would be able to keep my focus on him during this DTS, and Javier, one of the school leaders, felt God was telling him that I had a calling to teach and share the message with others.

Last night we all went to Griffith Observatory on the Hollywood hill which I had been looking forward to, we spent the evening praying for different parts of the city and the different people we would meet during our ministry and training here.

Prayer points

That over the next few weeks as we start to develop a close community that we would all remember our focus and purposes for coming here.

That the Holy spirit would start breaking down walls in our lives and in our open hearts, that God would be transforming us day by day.

That we would find Sabbath amongst such an intense programme and lifestyle whilst living on the base and training for his good works.

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