Happy New Year! – 2019

What a better opportunity to take a step back on all that’s been going on, than New Years!

What a year it’s been, for me today last year I had just arrived in Los Angeles to start the 6 months of my YWAM Discipleship Training School, went on mission to Mexico, Kenya and the Philippines and then came back to my hometown in Poole for the summer before starting my job here now in London.

For a lot of us, new starts like the New Year is a chance for us to draw a line in the sand, to maybe stop certain negative habits of ours, and embrace the good. For me and my Dad, we used to always go down to the beach in the early morning of January 1st, and spend time thinking about what this next year would bring us.

This year however, I’ve been pretty lazy to say the least! For New Years Eve, 4 of us from the community house we’re living in at the moment went into the centre of London to watch the fireworks at the London Eye at the turning of the year. It was really fun, apart from the 4 hours of waiting beforehand, the closure of most of the stations in London, and getting back at about 2:30am! (What a great way to start the new year, being tired!)

One thing that struck us whilst the fireworks went off was that, more people seemed to be interested in catching the occasion on their phones than actually realising that they were actually there, and for many of them, this would be a one in a lifetime occasion. For most of them, on looking back at the event, they’d probably more likely remember watching their screens than the event through their eyes, clearly a much more HD image!

“More people seemed to be interested in catching the occasion on their phones than actually realising that they were actually there”

People keep asking me what my New Years Resolutions are for this year, or ‘goals’ to avoid the cliché. Thing is, I don’t think there’s any area of my life that needs a drastic ‘U-turn’, but if anything, just continuing out on that road God has marked out for me.

If I was to aim to do anything particular as a goal for this next year, for 2019, it would simply be, to make the most of every opportunity God gives me, to live in the moment, and trust him wholeheartedly every day.

Even though I still don’t have much of a clear view as to what God has in store for me after I finish this internship, I do know that, as I trust him, he’ll make it clear to me in his timing.

Whatever goals we set for ourselves this year, why not chose to let God be in charge and focus on HIS plans for us for this next year.

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