Settling into London

Sorry for not recently having updated this blog with what’s been going on.

Now that I’ve started to settle in here in London, I can continue sharing with what God has been doing in my life, and what he’s been teaching me.

As this year is becoming very much a time of discernment for me in terms of understanding the details of God’s calling on my life, I have been reading up from the likes of John Pritchard, Jon Lawson and Vincent Donovan – a renowned Christian missionary who brought a number of groups of Masai people in Kenya to faith.

How’s the Job?

After my first month working here at Christ Church Barnet as a Ministry Experience Intern, I have experienced plenty of joys and hardships as I get to know all the congregation, sit in on plenty of meetings about church life, and hear about what’s been going on so far here in the church.

As our office has been recently renovated, for the first few weeks I have been working from my room in the Vicarage, having staff meetings and discussing plans for the future. I’ve been involved in everything from Youth groups, to Worship, Tech, Website and Social Media, School Assemblies Compassion ministries, and Outreach and there’s still so much that I haven’t been able to help out with yet either.

So far, we’ve been more concerned as a staff team about getting on our feet and taking things one step at a time, with some thriving ministries, and some areas that are maybe a little in need of updating, I’m so excited as to how God is going to be using me, and the rest of the congregation in growing his kingdom over this next year!

As I continue discerning what God has in store for me, I am trying to be obedient in following him wherever he takes me, and growing in my mistakes along the way.
Please continue praying for me over this time as I settle into this new environment and learn more of how God wants to use me best in this next year and how I can encourage others in their own journeys with him.

Paul Cowley Alpha Launch at Christ Church Barnet

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