John 1-19

What’s next?

Finally, after 2 weeks of New Wine and helping lead Holiday Club this past week, I can share what my plans are for this next year!

As many of you know, this past year has been filled with so much excitement, from Graduating university, Interning at the Lantern Church for 6 months and then heading off to YWAM.
I’ve been so blessed this year by God with opportunities to share his good news with so many people and to take his kingdom to even some of the furthest to reach places in the world.

Whilst I was away studying with YWAM, God was showing me how I needed to trust him more and more with my life. And sure enough there were hardships and times that I didn’t know where I would be sleeping that night, or how I’d have enough money for food for the day, but when I trusted him, he always looked after me.

During our lecture phase, we became very in tune with what God was wanting to say to each of us, and many people had prophecies for me, some about being a leader in the future, others about having a voice that would change nations, and still others about how God was going to use me for revival in this next year.
One prophecy that stuck with me was from a girl who’d never met me and didn’t know anything about me who knew that God was bringing revival to London in the future and for this next year he was going to use me as a vital part of that.
I also had some similar prophecies and encouragements that this next year was a time for me to grow with God, working in a church and specifically somewhere in London.

The very next day, directly after this prophecy I got an email from my old Vicar and his wife who had recently moved to lead a church in London and they felt like God had chosen me to work as a part of their church and with all the changes that would be happening there over this next year.

Still many other options came my way, and all the while I was looking God for confirmations and more words about my future. And finally after a lot of careful prayer and thought asking what God wanted me to do this next year, I knew what he wanted.

After some incredible years volunteering and working at the Lantern Church, today they commissioned me and send me off to my new Job and my new church in Barnet, London.

As from the 3rd September I will be working with Andy and Mary Rimmer and the rest of the staff team as a ‘Ministry Experience Intern’ at Christ Church Barnet in North London.
Even though the style of the Church services and location is a little different to what I’m used to, I know this is where God wants me for this year and am looking forward to accepting this challenge and seeing how God uses me for his kingdom!

When we look to Jesus, when we trust him with our lives, he has incredible things in store for us. Sure the road may be bumpy along the way, but he’s got us, he guides us and never lets us go. He shows us the path and says: “Come with me, let’s do this together, I’ll always be with you”

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

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