YWAM: Debrief and Graduation

What’s left to say now than, “WE’VE GRADUATED”! After a final week of debrief and some classes on how best to prepare for re-entry, this Saturday we were officially handed our certificates to say that we’ve finished our Discipleship Training School.

After our final week of ministry in Cagayan de Oro, we spent a few days at an island called Camiguin going to white beaches like Mantigue and hot springs. Whilst we were on this island we spent time debriefing and processing what we had seen as a group and individually as we prepared to go back to Los Angeles.

After some long flights we were finally back in LA and now was the time to focus on resting and recovering from the jet lag and the lack of facilities on outreach!

Much of the week back in LA was spent preparing for going back home and resting, but we did do some fun things like a dance party, worship night, froyo and on the last day before graduation we went to Huntington Beach in Orange County for some sun, surfing and a BBQ.

And here is a short film of what we got up to for our mission!

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